EPTC Consultancy was incorporated in 2008 to meet the strategic demands of the Nation which include the provision of Professional Programmers, Training Programmers and In- House Programmers.
EPTC Consultancy was set up to spearhead the development of human resource in Malaysia and the region, in particular logistics training and education. EPTC has the expertise and capabilities to help develop intellectual capital and knowledge bases using the relevant learning programmers and processes through workshops, seminars, conferences and in-house/on –site customized training.
EPTC ’s brand vision is “to become the best trainer in helping logistics/shipping personnel to care for the people they love through their career success.” Only with the right paper qualification can a logistics/shipping staff advance in their career and thereby give the best to their loved ones, financially.
EPTC ’s values are integrity, responsibility, responsiveness and a caring and helpful attitude towards our customers.
EPTC ‘s is different from our competitors because our courses are low cost but of high quality. Our knowledge powerful lecturers and our excellent customer service set us apart from our competitors so we must give polite and fast service to our students at all times. EPTC is better than our competitors because we go the extra mile for our students; we are more caring, trustworthy and helpful than our competitors. .
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